

Why do I feel this way about someone I just meet?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Because he/she is either handsome/cute or kind, or you make yourself like him/her, not he/she makes you like him/her! The more you talk about him/her to someone, the more you feel this way!

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13y ago
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Q: Why do I feel this way about someone I just meet?
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You just tell them there's no other way to do it but tell them how you feel!!!!!!!!!!!

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if you love someone tell them and ask if they feel the same if they ignore you just smile to them and wait keep trying and do your best GOOD LUCK!!!!

How do you get her to feel the same way?

You can't force someone to feel the same way about you that you feel for them. However, if you are just getting to know this person ask her out and let her get to know you better. Either you are both meant to be together or you aren't. It's all about chemistry. Good luck Marcy You can't make someone feel the same way you feel. If it was meant to be, it will happen. Otherwise someone else will come along and will appreciate what you have to offer and will have love for you.

What do you tell someone that just told you they like you?

If you like them too ask them out if you don't just tell them you don't feel the same way.