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Simple your finger is infected.. nothing serious.

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Q: Why do I have white finger while I was using hydrogen peroxide?
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Related questions

Is hydrogen peroxide the same as pure hydrogen?

No, Hydrogen peroxide is a compound the chemical formula H2O2. Hydrogen and element and is shown as either H or H2. Hydrogen is a gas at room temperature while hydrogen peroxide is a liquid, and is used in hospitals.

Does water turn into hydrogrn peroxIde after a while?

No, Hydrogen Peroxide will eventually turn into water because it will break down from H2O2 into H2O but water will not turn into hydrogen peroxide....

Why is water harmless and hydrogen peroxide is poison?

Water is H20 while hydrogen peroxide is H202. They have different compositons and therefore different properties, similiar to carbon dioxide, CO2, and carbon monoxide, CO.

Why do you not feel warmth when hydrogen peroxide is used on your skin?

It has a cooling effect while it works and bubbles.

Is hydrogen perioxide flammable?

No. Hydrogen peroxide is not flammable, especially since the commercial concentration of 3% is 97% water. In high concentrations above about 50% hydrogen peroxide is a dangerous oxidizer that, while not flammable itself, can set other materials on fire.

Should hydrogen peroxide be used on a staph infection?

Hyrdrogen peroxide can be used to kill harmful bacteria. While there may be better options for treatment of a staph infection, hydrogen peroxide will not cause harm to a staph infection and could help aid in killing off harmful bacteria.

Do formulas H2O2 and H2O represent that same compound?

No H2O2 is hydrogen peroxide while H2O is water the universal solvent.

What compound has the highest percent of hydrogen by mess Water or hydrogen proxide?

Water has a higher percentage of hydrogen by mass than does hydrogen peroxide, because the latter has equal numbers of hydrogen and oxygen atoms while the former has twice as many hydrogen atoms as oxygen atoms.

Process for seprating gold and copper?

the copper dissolves in some acids, as nitric and a mixture of hydrochloric with hydrogen peroxide, while gold does not

What is the effect of hydrogen peroxide in the human body?

Hydrogen peroxide is a strong oxidizing agent. It can cause severe cell damage. However, in low concentrations, while it's devastating to bacteria it doesn't hurt human cells much, because human cells have an enzyme known as peroxidase which is able to safely decompose hydrogen peroxide into oxygen and water.

What is the chemical formula for oxygen hydrogen?

the way you ask the question it would be HO, but it can't happen that way, HO is really H2O2 or hydrogen peroxide. this is my answer. However, the more common compound is water, or H2O. the above is not part of my answer and is wrong. HO and H2O are diffrerent things. HO does not really occur naturally, it occurs as H2O2 or hydrogen peroxide and while it is similar to water, it is NOT water, ingest enough and you will DIE. Hydrogen peroxide, H2O2 and water H2O are DIFFERENT. what you say is like saying carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide are the same thing, or aqueous ammonia and anhydrous ammonia are the dame thing. Hydrogen peroxide (H202) and dihydrogen monoxide (h20) are NOT the same thing.

Can you use idodin tincture while pregnant?

It is fine to use as a topical antiseptic. Though hydrogen peroxide is more commonly used nowadays.