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Why is your question... Well, let me try to briefly explain what has happened long time ago, something that all Koreans know and something that everyone else SHOULD know...

I'm pretty sure everyone knows about the time Japan tried to take over the world. Well, Japan's first target were the unsuspecting Koreans. Japan, not surprisingly, did manage to take control of Korea (Koreans, at the time, were very weak). They killed innocent Koreans and even raped the Korean children! A couple years later, the Koreans decided that they had enough. It was time for those greedy Japanese to get out of Korean territory! So, on March 1 (I do not know the year), Koreans started movements. Then, they fought against the Japanese. Finally, they managed to kick the Japanese out. Then, the invasion stopped. And the world was at peace... Or was it? Afterward, Japan started to take Dokdo away from Korea. However, the Koreans, remembering the nightmare that happened years ago, set strong Korean men on the island so they can protect what belonged rightfully to the Korean people. But why do Japanese want this tiny, little island? For example, the island has a fruitful amount of sea animals (such as fish, octopi, cuttle, etc. etc...) that the Asian people LOVE to eat (please do not put Chinese or Indians in this. Yes, I know they eat seafood too, but this is between Koreans and Japanese, thank-you-very-much). Another example would be because below the island, there are hydrate oil, which is much safer for the environment. That's why the Japanese really want Dokdo island. It's because Dokdo has many good, Natural Resources.

So, if you are Japanese and find this information very offensive towards the Japanese people, please do not feel this way. The culprits who caused are not the Japanese people, but the Japanese government. If you find this statement insulting, please feel free to look up what happened. It will help a lot. If you wish for more information, please feel free to research this topic. I tell you the truth. Similar information will come out.

** The main reason why Japanese people are trying to take Dokdo Island is to gain power. By occupying little lands and islands, they can gain power, bigger the size of their territory, which includes the size of the ocean near their land.

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Q: Why do Japanese people think that Dokdo is theirs when it rightfully belongs to Koreans?
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