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Exodus 20:8-11 "Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work: but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord, thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is and rested the seventh day, wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath Day, and hallowed it." Even God rested on the seventh day. He also recognized that man needed rest, and religion. He created the earth in 6 days for us, therefore we should be able to give one day back. Besides, all of His commandments are for our blessing and happiness.

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15y ago
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14y ago

The sabbath is observed as a day of rest because it is in the Ten Commandments (Book of Exodus) and by analogy with God resting after six days of creating (Book of Genesis). Some scholars think that the creation story was told as six days of work and a day of rest to reinforce the commandment of sabbath rest. Note that the entire world operates on a seven-day week, even though the Soviet Union tried to adopt a ten-day week but had to give it up because it was impossible to enforce.

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14y ago

Scripture itself best answers this question:

Exo 31:16 Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the sabbath, to observe the sabbath throughout their generations, for a perpetual covenant.

Exo 31:17 It is a sign between me and the children of Israel for ever: for in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed.

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6y ago

The Torah commands us to honor it (Exodus ch.20, ch.23, ch.31, ch.35; Leviticus ch.23), just as God did (Genesis ch.2).

The Jewish Sabbath is from Friday sundown until Saturday after twilight. The origin of the Shabbat is in the Torah. Since the Sabbath is a day blessed by God (Genesis ch.2), he gave it to the Israelites as a treasured gift to be cherished (Talmud, Beitzah 15b). It is a day of rest (Exodus ch.20, ch.31), and a day of strengthening ties with the family, the community, and with God.
There are two main aspects to Shabbat observance: what we do and what we don't do.
What we don't do: we're not permitted to work on the Shabbat (Exodus ch.20). This includes 39 categories of productive interaction with the world, such as planting, writing, kindling fire, etc. (Talmud, Shabbat 73b).

What we do: candles are lit, customarily by the lady of the household, around 20 minutes before sunset on Friday afternoon. We then attend synagogue for the Friday afternoon prayer (mincha), the kabbalat Shabbat (ushering in of the Shabbat), and the Shabbat evening prayer (maariv), consecutively.
On Shabbat morning, we again attend synagogue. The services are longer than on weekdays and include prayers as well as reading the weekly Torah-portion.
There's often a kiddush (refreshments) afterwards, and congregants then have a chance to schmooze (to talk). Towards the late afternoon, there's another (short) service (Shabbat mincha).

After Friday night services and on Shabbat morning after services, we come home, often with guests, make kiddush (blessing over wine), and have a leisurely multi-course Shabbat meal including singing and words of Torah. Customarily, that week's Torah-reading (parsha) will be a topic of conversation; and the children of the family will be asked to speak of what they've learned in school.

After that, Shabbat is a quiet time: no phones, radio or TV (etc.), just schmoozing, taking walks, visiting friends, reading, learning Torah, playing Board Games, etc.
Husband and wife, in particular, finally have a chance to be together after a hectic week.
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6y ago

God gave the Sabbath as a day of rest to the Israelites when they were going to the land God had given them.

Answer 2

The Sabbath is a day blessed by God (Genesis ch.2). He gave it to the Israelites as a treasured gift to be cherished (Talmud, Beitzah 15b). It is a day of rest (Exodus ch.20, ch.31), and enjoyment, and a day of strengthening ties with the family, the community, and with God.

The concept of a weekly respite from work was a revolutionary idea, which has since spread to the larger world in general.

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14y ago

In its origin, the sabbath was the practice and demonstration of the concept that "people do not own people" ... that a person's first accountability and responsibility is to the Creator and not to other people.

The idea seems insipid and quaint today. That's because this Jewish concept has been so totally absorbed into the structure of civilized society that it's almost impossible to imagine a world in which the employee was real estate and didn't have days off.

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12y ago

To remember the Creation

To remember the Exodus

To spend more time in Torah and prayer

To spend time with the family and the community

To rest and forget about worries

See the attached Related Link.

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13y ago

the sabbath is the day of rest and the end of creation of the the universe.

this says this in the book of genesis which means beginning.

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12y ago

The Torah commands us to honor it (Exodus ch.31), just as God did (Genesis ch.2).

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11y ago

Because God commands us to (Exodus ch.20, ch.23, ch.31, ch.35; Leviticus ch.23, and elsewhere).

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Q: Why do Jewish people celebrate the Sabbath day?
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When do C hristians celebrate the sabbath?

On SundayAnswer:The Sabbath (Saturday) is not celebrated by Christians. Instead they celebrate the following day (Sunday) as it is the day that their founder Jesus rose from the dead. Keeping the Sabbath is a Jewish tradition based on the covenant they have with their god and is specified as a day of rest in the 10 Commandments. Muslims, the third Abrahamic faith, use Friday as the day of rest.

What do Jewish people do on Saturday?

They usually go to the synagogue, as this is their day of worship (Sabbath).

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No. The sabbath is the Jewish day of rest.

What is the Jewish sabatt?

Saturday is the Sabbath and the Jewish day of rest, no work is allowed to be done on the Sabbath.

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They welcome the Sabbath and celebrate Passover.

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The Sabbath is the Jewish day of rest corresponding to the Christian Sunday. The Jewish Sabbath is from Friday sundown until Saturday after dark.

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Cholla comes from israel and is usually eaten on the sabbath day by Jewish people.

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Yes, Shavuot is a Jewish holy day/festival (Leviticus ch.23).

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Can Jewish people use telephone on Saturdays?

Firstly, in this question there is a misunderstanding of the 'day' of the Jewish Sabbath. Saturday is commonly believed among non-Jews to be the Sabbath. This is incorrect. The Jewish days begin at sundown. The Jewish Sabbath begins at the start of the seventh day of the week. Therefore, the Jewish Sabbath begins Friday at sundown and continues until one hour after sundown on Saturday. If one lives in a city where the sun sets at 3 p.m. on Friday, then the Sabbath begins at 3 p.m. on Friday and continues until 4 p.m. Saturday. If the sun sets at noon on Friday...; etc. Now, to answer the question. Jewish people cannot use a phone (to receive a call or to make a call) on the Sabbath. Once the Sabbath has passed, yes, a Jew can use the phone.