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There is no such thing as a 'scripture scarf' in Judaism.

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They like them.

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Q: Why do Jewish women wear scripture scarfs?
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Why do some women wear scarfs over there heads?

they are muslim

What is the women head wear called?

The head scarfs Muslim women wear is called a hijab they wear it so people would respect them for their knowledge not as an object.

What did french women wear in the 1930's?

french women wore little black dresses and striped skirts and scarfs.

Why do Jewish mothers wear wight scarfs during seddah?

That only applies to Orthodox Jews. It's a modesty thing.

What do children in Iraq wear?

women wear longs black coats, men wear hats with rope around it, and children wear bright colors and colorful scarfs.

Why do women have to wear hats or scarfs to worship in a synagogue?

Married religiously observant Jewish women cover their hair in public once they're married, not just in synagogue. Less observant Jewish women who are married often cover their hair in synagogue. This is due to the Torah specifying that a woman's hair is sensual and her beauty should be reserved for her husband.

Do the Egyptians wear scarfs?

Like any other people, Egyptians wear scarfs when it is cold. Thus, if it is cold.. they wear a scarf. If they are Muslim, it is still acceptable and widely practiced. If you are inquiring about ancient Egyptians, then no. No, they did not wear scarfs.

Do Jewish women wear head scarves?

Some Jewish women do wear headscarves, particularly those who are Orthodox or adhere to more traditional Jewish customs. However, it is not a practice followed by all Jewish women, and there is no universal requirement for Jewish women to wear headscarves.

Can women wear talits?

Yes, but NOT Orthodox Jewish women.

What are the scarfs called that the cowboys wear?


Do Orthodox Jewish women wear hats?

Orthodox Jewish women cover their hair in public once they're married. One way to do this is to wear hats.

Does Justin Bieber wear scarfs?

sometimes yea