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This is an answer by Yonatan Olshin, not Prioktan918, who wrote the Expert Answer above.

The other answer is correct, but I would like to add one more reason. The reason why rabbis discourage those who wish to convert to Judaism is because once one converts to Judaism, he cannot convert back to his original religion or another religion. He is a Jew his entire life and their is no turning around. Not only that, but also his children will remain Jewish, and their children (unless he marries a non-Jewish woman).

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The view in Judaism is that all righteous people, those who follow the Noahide Laws, have a place in the World-to-Come. As a result, conversion to Judaism is not required to go to the "good place". Further, Jews have many more additional laws and requirements to have a place in the World-to-Come, so it would actually be harder for a Jew to get there. As a result, Jews are hesitant to bring another person into the fold because that person, who may have been good enough to have a place in the World-to-Come as a Righteous Gentile will not be good enough to earn a place in the World-to-Come as a Righteous Jew. This is why Jews make entry so difficult, so as to avoid condemning those who simply have an impulsive change of heart or who are converting for reasons of convenience as opposed to serious self-introspection.

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8y ago

This is not actually the case. Jews are usually quite happy to befriend recent converts and treat them without distinction from native-born Jews. Since Judaism is a tribal religion, many Non-Jews incorrectly assume that Jews have a preference for native-born Jews over converts and/or employ discrimination against them. Nothing could be further from the truth. There is nothing in Jewish tradition, with the exception of Cohen marriage restrictions that delineates between native-born Jews and converted Jews, from Torah reading privileges, to holiday observances, to communal relationships.

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The reason why we initially discourage potential converts is because that is what our Oral Torah (tradition) commands us to do (see footnote). The reason behind that command is in order to bring the potential convert to explicitly state his/her sincerity, if indeed they are sincere. If not, then we have no need for half-hearted converts.See also the Related Link.

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The source is in the Talmud, Yevamot 24b and 47b, quoting Ruth 1:8 and 1:18. It is codified in the Rambam, Issurei Biah 13:14; and the Code of Jewish Law, Yoreh Deah 268:12.

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Your question is making an unwarranted and unfair generalization. Any Jew who actually keeps Judaism fully, also keeps the Torah's explicit command to welcome (sincere) converts. Deuteronomy 10:19. Those who are lax in observing this command, are permitting themselves to succumb to prejudice.

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The hypothesis of the question is faulty at best. It can by no means be accepted as a given
that Jews as a whole have difficulty embracing converts. And if such difficulty is not universal,
or general, or at least somewhat widespread, then there is no "why" that begs explanation.
Of course it may be assumed without proof that there are individual Jews for whom it is difficult
to accept individual converts, or all converts. Just as it may be assumed without evidence that
there are individual Jews for whom it is difficult to act with civility toward other Jews who have
red hair. In either case, there is no logical way to assume that their reasons, if any, are a
consequence of their Jewish learning or heritage. Indeed, they may not all have the same
reasons, and they may not even all know what their reasons are.

The question seeks an answer where there is in reality no question.

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