

Why is kosher food kosher?

Updated: 10/7/2023
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13y ago

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Jews eat kosher food due to the various laws laid out in The Bible, mostly in Leviticus and Deuteronomy, in which G-d instructs mankind as to which foods are permitted to us and which are not (the reason why these foods are permitted or not is unknown and falls into the category of Jewish laws termed chukim, laws for which no reason is given).

Kosher laws, known as kashrus, only apply to foods that come from animals. For meat to be kosher, it must be from one of the kosher animals (pigs are the best-known non-kosher animal among non-Jews, but there are many others such as whales, dolphins, fish that do not have both fins and scales, Birds of Prey, cats, dogs, ferrets, rabbits, almost all carnivores, camels, shellfish and all insects except a certain species of locust). Those animals that are kosher must be slaughtered by a highly trained slaughter man (commonly also a rabbi) called a shochet using a very sharp knife with a flawless edge in a process called shechita which is intended to prevent the animal from experiencing any pain or suffering. Animals cannot be killed in any other way, which is why Jews have not traditionally hunted for food or sport, and certain parts cannot be eaten including the blood and the sciatic nerve. In the case of some shochets, who have completed an extra and gruelling course of training) the sciatic nerve is removed, but the hind quarters that contain it are commonly sold to non-Jews for consumption. The carcass is then inspected closely for other signs that would render it unkosher, such as spots on the lungs. Finally, all any last traces of blood are removed by covering the meat in coarse salt which will absorb it - this is the kosher salt you may have seen for sale (salt, being a mineral, is not subject to kashrus and can be eaten by Jews). It's complex, which is why - along with the religious requirement to avoid causing suffering to any living thing - so many Jews are strictly vegetarian nowadays.

Kashrus also applies to the consumption of meat and dairy together, which is not permitted so Jews will wait a certain amount of time after consuming one before consuming the other.

All plants are considered parve, meaning that they can be eaten with anything including dairy or meat. Eggs are also considered pareve.

Note that, despite what many non-Jewish people assume, at no point does food need to have any sort of blessing performed in order to be kosher - it must simply be produced in strict accordance with Jewish law. You can recognise kosher food by the presence of a hechsher stamp, a mark on the label which producers are permitted to use after being certified kosher by a mashgichim who checks the premises where the food is made and supervises the entire process. Despite what some people, often those with a hidden and antisemitic agenda of their own, earning the right to display a hechsher symbol does not raise the price of the food - in actual fact, since the food can then be bought by Jews as well as non-Jews, it increases the market share and pays for itself or can even allow the manufacturer to lower the price.

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It is very complicated to explain. Every food has its own rules. Milk cant be mixed with meat, and fish cant be eaten with meat. Most people wait 30 mins after eating dairy before eating meat, and 3 hours after meat before dairy. Even if food is kosher it must be prepared with uncontaminated supplies to remain kosher. Birds can't be wild birds and fish need to have fins and scales. Animals need to have split hooves and they need to chew their food twice like cows. After following these rules one must properly kill an animal with a flawless knife, with a sudden move, so the animal don't feel any pain. Then the lungs must be checked for diseases and many other body parts as well. Vegetables often need to be soaked in vinegar to kill and remove insects.

There are many other conditions that need to met as well but these are the basics.

Like any other Jewish law, we observe keeping certain foods separate just because G-d told us to.

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The word kosher means 'fit'. When used in reference to food, it means that the food in question was prepared following the laws of kashrut. Contrary to what many people believe, this does not involve a Rabbi blessing the food. The reason for having kosher food is because that is a part of the guidelines provided to Jews in the Torah as to how we can live life in a righteous manner.

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To keep meat and dairy separate at all times

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Kosher food have been produced under the supervision or a Jewish Rabbi, whereas non kosher foods have not. _________ Correction: Kosher food does not require a Rabbi's involvement. When talking about commercially prepared food, the kitchen has to be supervised by a 'mashgiach'. Any orthodox Jew can be a mashgiach. Kosher food is prepared with kosher ingredients following the laws of kashrut.

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Kosher refers to the dietary restrictions of the Jewish faith. Here are some sentences.That meat is not kosher, so I can't eat it.My family ran a kosher restaurant.How do you know if that food is kosher or not?Kosher can also be slang for something legitimate. I don't think that business is quite kosher.

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One can purchase food that is kosher at bakeries that are supervised by rabbis. This will ensure that the food is in fact genuinely kosher. Also, some foods may carry a "hekhsher" symbol on the packaging. If the symbol is on the packaging, the food is kosher.