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Answer 1

In order not to use His name for mundane purposes. Note that this applies in speech and in actual writing. On a computer screen it's permissible to spell out the word "God," since doing so doesn't create a tangible result.

Answer 2

According to Jewish beliefs, any document that contains any of God's names becomes holy and cannot be destroyed. To avoid accidentally destroying a document with any of these names, Jews modify the spellings.

Answer 3

Jews don't necessarily always write "G-d", but if they don't feel comfortable writing God's name since God is very holy, they may write it hyphenated. It is mainly a sign of respect.

Answer 4

The Tanakh (Jewish Bible) commands us various times to respect and to be in awe of God. Part of the concept of awe requires respecting the Holy Name.

Jews do in fact write the various "names" we have for God - when needed, such as in prayer books. However, any document that one of His names is written on becomes holy and cannot be destroyed or thrown away; it must be given a kosher burial. Therefore, on any piece of paper that may potentially be destroyed or thrown away, none of His names are written in full.

Though some Jews do write God in full because that is a term, not a name, and isn't Jewish in origin - still, most Halachic authorities hold that it is forbidden. The Kitzur Shulchan Aruch (6:3) writes that it is forbidden - and causes poverty. He even forbids the written "adieu" in French since it means "to God."

Some Reform and Conservative Jews do not strictly adhere to this guideline, and often write "God," since it is not the actual name of God.

Answer 5

Writing "G-d" is a tradition in the Jewish faith. Explanations for that practice vary, but one interesting explanation is listed in the Related links. Keep in mind that one feature of Jewish thought is the maxim, "Where there are two rabbis, there are three opinions."

Answer 6

In Jewish tradition, we do not write any of the names used for God in full on documents that may potentially be thrown out or destroyed. The reason is that any paper that His names are written on become holy and therefore have to be given a kosher burial. So that we don't accidentally destroy a document with one or more of His names on it, we don't write them in full.

Answer 7

Because it is a very holy name. It is never to be deleted or destroyed, so as a precaution it is spelled without the "o".

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