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Muslims are commanded in the Quran to commemorate the month of Ramadaan by fasting.

The Muslims' fast is from the early morning prayer (Fajr)(daybreak) until sunset at the dawn prayer (Mahgrib - prayer). During fasting period, Muslims fast by not eating, not drinking, not engaging in Haraam activities, and not taking part of sexual activities with the wifes. There is special sercumstances.

The months Ramadaan is special to Muslims because the Quran informs us that that is the month that all holy scriptures started being revealed to the prophets. liek our Prophet Muhammed started getting his first revelation during the month Ramadaan while he was in the cave. So too Jesus, who got his first revelation of the Injeel while he was fasting for 40 days. Moses also, got his first scriptures while he was fasting.


Fasting Ramadan is the fourth pillar of Islam five pillars. Refer to question below.

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Q: Why do Muslims fast during Ramadan and do they fast the whole day?
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Ramadan is not a religion, it is a month within the Islamic calendar.

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They should fast during the month of Ramadan, and the hajj, or pilgrimage to Mecca.

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Muslims only fast while the sun is up during the month of Ramadan. All other times they can eat, drink, etc.

In Ramadan can a person fast if they drink alicohal?

Ramadan is a Muslim holy time. Only Muslims observe the fast during Ramadan. The fast preculdes observant Muslims from eating or drinking anything between sunrise and sunset. Muslims don't drink alcohol. So, no, it would be wrong for a Muslim to drink alcohol at any time, including Ramadan.

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All Muslims must fast during the month of Ramadan, unless you're not Muslim you should be fasting.

In what religion do you fast for 30 days?

In Islam during the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims fast during the day, but eat at night.

Do Muslims eat with their families during Ramadan?

Well they don't need to but all Muslims during Ramadan break their fast together, of course excluding time differences but Maghrib for each country is the same.

Do Muslims eat and drink during sun light hours?

During Ramadan, those Muslims who are supposed to fast (mature), will not eat or drink from sunrise until sunset. If it is not Ramadan, Muslims are not obligated to fast, but it can be Sunnah (visit for more information on Sunnah).

What does iftar mean?

Iftar is the evening meal when Muslims break their fast at sunset during Ramadan.