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That's not true! That's stereo typing!my friend is Muslim and im American she hangs out with me!

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Q: Why do Muslims people don't want their children playing with any Americans?
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Do Muslims like some Americans?

Muslims like Americans as Americans are also people. It is internationally known that America is proving itself to be the enemy of Islamic nationhood due to it's drone attacks and unjustified actions against Muslim people. But there are innocent people everywhere even in America who deserve respect.

Why do Muslim parents encourage their children not to like christians?

Muslims do not encourage their children not to like Christians. Christians and Jews are people of the book as mentioned in the Quran and the people closer to Muslims are Christians as mentioned in the Quran. Muslims are allowed to marry Christians and Jews as they are people of the book. It is therefore a misconception on your part to think that Muslims are encouraged not to like Christians!

Why can't Americans and Muslims believe in the same God?

You are talking apples and oranges here. Americans are a nationality that identify with dozens of religions. About 1% (give or take .5% depending on the survey) of Americans are Muslims. Muslims as a religion make up 1.5 Billion people in the world and is second only to Christianity. And the God of the Muslims is the same God as the Christians and Jews believe in. All three share common roots.

What is a second generation American?

When people move to the US from another country, they can be described as first generation Americans; if they have children in America, their children will be second generation Americans.

Why do the Americans give th Muslims a bad reputation?

ever since 9/11 people started hating Muslims. It isn't right because not all Muslims are bad only terrorists are the bad people. I am a Muslim and am i a criminal? no. i don't get why everybod hates Muslims like they are devils. In Islam people arent taught to kill people. Islam means peace. so why would they kill?

Are Muhammad Ali's children Muslims?

No. And she isn't muslim either. In People Magazine, Laila Ali did report she does not follow her father's religion. _________________________________________________ Yes, his children are Muslims. To my information, his daughter is Muslim and wears also the Islamic Hijab.

Are people Muslims?

Yes, some people are Muslims. Also, all Muslims are people.

What did people say about skates?

People said that why are these children playing with these sharp Tyre boots

Why is that not all but most of the West hate Asians specially Muslims?

Most people in the West do not hate Asians or Muslims. The people that do hate Asians usually think Asians are inferior to Europeans. Some people think Asians or Africans or Arabs or Hispanics are "less American" than European-Americans. Some people in the west associate Islam with Jihad linked terrorist groups such as Al Queda. Once again some think that Islam is not American. However, In general, Europeans and Americans don't hate Asians or Muslims.

What are People called who follow the religion of Islam .?

Muslims is the Arabic word for people who follow the religion of Islam.

How many Muslim children get bullied?

Not many... Probably 1 in 100... Muslims are great people, it's the jews that get bullied.

People who believe in Islam are Muslims?

yes people who believe in Islam are Muslims