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It is not mandatory per Islamic religion and it is not a religion teaching or requirement. However, It is preferred to urinate while sitting. Urine is a disgusting thing which is filthy indeed. If any drop of it touches the body, that spot is considered un-clean. That spot will be burned in hell on doomsday

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Q: Why do Muslims sit and urinate?
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How do you properly urinate?

you pull your pants down, sit on the toilet and PUSH!!! the you wipe the seat.

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Men who feel they will have a bowel movement will sit on the toilet and if they have to urinate they will hopefully fold their penis towards the inside of the bowl. If you like to urinate like a female by using their toilet then you have a fetish that should be broken.

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Well, They just sit on the toilet and let the pee (piss, Urine) Come out into the toilet....

How do you use the bathroom?

Men typically stand in front of the toilet or urinal, a special type of toilet. They sit to have a bowel movement, or when they think they need to urinate and defecate. Women sit for either one.

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This is untrue.Muslims don't sit on pillows when eating .Maybe it is a part of the tradition of a country that you have heard of.

How does a woman urinate?

No, it comes from the urethra. It is close to the clitoris, but they are separate.

Does anyone with a penis piercing regret getting it?

Yes. I had a 6ga prince albert. I took it out years ago but I still have to sit down to urinate. Worst idea ever

Why would Muslims want to sit and pray 5 times a day don't they have better things to do with their lives?

They have strong faith; its their religion and culture. Additionally, Muslims believe that it is through this prayer that God sustains them and provides for them.

How do you measure how much you urinate?

how much do we urinate

Why does clear coat go yellow?

if you urinate on it then it will turn yellow except if i were to urinate on it i cant urinate

How Can a girl urinate outside?

I do not recommend urinating outside because it is unsanitary, but if you have to, just squat down and hold your clothes out of your way. You can also sit on a log and hang your bottom over the back.