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Roman Catholic AnswerI can only hazard a guess, as I do not know of this practice. I should think that, since all Catholic doctrine is truth, and it is grounded in Sacred Scripture, that any sincere person, with an open mind would come to know the truth when studying Sacred Scripture, and subseqently preach it as well. There have been numerous incidents of rather famous protestant preachers and ministers who, upon study and prayer, have left their denominations and converted to the Church.
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Q: Why do Protestant churches preach Catholic doctrine?
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From Catholic Answers []:Regarding Catholics participating in readings at non-Catholic churches, the Vatican document Directory for the Application of Principles and Norms on Ecumenism says this:In liturgical celebrations taking place in other churches and ecclesial communities, Catholics are encouraged to take part in the psalms, responses, hymns, and common actions of the church in which they are guests. If invited by their hosts, they may read a lesson or preach. (PNE 118)

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Well, the Roman Catholic Church is actually one church, because they all have the same leader, the pope. He and the bishops (called the magisterium) make sure that all Catholics are taught the correct truths about the faith. In the Orthodox churches, they are not all one church because they do not have a common leader for all of them. Also, many of the Orthodox churches are state churches, they just depend on the country. In many Protestant traditions, individual congregations preach what they want. This means that the beliefs of churchgoers might depend on what preacher they have and not as much their denomination. They do not have one leader or a magisterium that teach the truths to all of the individual congregations..Catholic AnswerThe difference is the Catholic Church was formed by Our Blessed Lord, Jesus Christ, who sent the Holy Spirit to guide it, and He guaranteed to be with It until the end of the world. The other "churches" were mostly founded by men in the 16th century (or later, or split from each other; saving the Orthodox Churches, which split from the Catholic Church in the 11th century). None of these other ecclesial communities carry any guarantee from Our Blessed Lord, and are unable to administer His saving Sacraments, save Baptism.

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A pulpit, or more commonly these days, an ambo.

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