

Why do Roman Catholics believe what they do about women?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Because Women are the crown of God's creation!

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Q: Why do Roman Catholics believe what they do about women?
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Roman Catholic AnswerOf course Catholics believe in souls, everything living thing has a soul to animate its body or it wouldn't be alive.

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Roman Catholic AnswerUkranian Catholics ARE Roman Catholics, so NO, they Mass if not like Roman Catholics it is Roman Catholic.

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Roman Catholics believe about mid-30s

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AnswerNo. As written in our Creed, we believe in the resurrection of the body, and life in the world to come. Firstly, they must believe in the incarnation of Jesus.Secondly, many among the laity and some clergy believe in reincarnation. Even religious men and women believe in incineration.