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Q: Why do Scottish people have family tartan?
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Scottish tartan. what types are there?

Tartan is a woolen cloth worn chiefly by Scottish Highlanders. The different types Scottish tartan are: clan or family tartans, district tartans, regimental tartans and universal tartans.

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Why is tartan associated with Scotland?

Tartan is associated with Scotland because long ago each Scottish family had their own style of tartan so you could tell which family each person was from by what style of tartan they were wearing. nowadays however people just wear tartan as another fashion idea and it has been spread worldwide and many people from all over the world wear tartan every day.

What country wears tartan patterned clothing?

Scottish people wear tartan patterned clothing.

What is the name of cloth that Scottish people were for their kilts?


What is the correct for a Scottish tartan skirt?

The Scottish tartan 'skirt' - is called a kilt.

Is tartan Scottish?


What tartan is used for the Irish name McGuane?

none... tartan is scottish.

Is there a tartan for the surname Downey?

The Scottish surname Downie (MacIlleDhòmhnaich, in Scottish Gaelic) does havea tartan. See for a picture.

What cultural aspects are unique to the Scottish people today?

Playing scottish music with bagpipes; wearing clan or family tartan (designated plaid designs for families or districts); certain ethnic dishes; Scotch Whiskey making.

Freedom tartan what is it?

The new exclusive Tartan from Heritage of Scotland. Express your Scottish pride and patriotism with the new Freedom tartan.

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