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The "flaring" of the gills is simply a way for the fish to look larger and more threatening. It is both defensive and aggressive behavoiur.

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Q: Why do Siamese fighting fishes gills go up when they see other fish?
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Why are Siamese fighting fish fast?

It is an adaptation that they have developed to defeat other siamese fighting fish for mates and/or territory.

How do shark gills protect it?

The gills of a shark (and other fishes) extract oxygen from the water, allowing the shark to breath.

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all the piranhas have gills ..they cant breath under water without gills is like all the other fishes

How do you know if your betta fishes are fighting?

Typically they will flare their gills at each other and begin swimming around each other very closely, it's actually difficult to really see that they are fighting. My suggestion, don't keep 2 male bettas in the same tank.

Why are your Siamese Fighting Fish Dying?

They might have fought each other.

Do oysters have lungs?

No, clownfish, like other fishes, have gills.

Are Siamese Fighting Fish or Betta Fish dead when their eyelids are white?

It may be, but look for other signs. Does it move at all when you move its tank or bowl? Can you see its gills move? Watch it for a whole hour to see if it moves. If not then it may be dead.

How do you spell betta fish?

Exactly as you spelled it in your question; a Betta fish is also known as a Siamese Fighting is spelled "Betta", or its other name, "Siamese Fighting Fish." I know alot about Betta's. :D

Can you keep two Siamese fighting fish in a bowl?

Two males will kill each other.

Why can't a fighting fish be with other fishes?

Fighting fish are territorial and can be very aggressive, they will kill other fish if you put them in the same tank.

What are limiting factors for Siamese Fighting fish?

you can not keep two males together as they do fight each other

What fish siblings fight each other before birth?

Liolik answers: The Siamese fighting fish