

Why do Somalian pirates want oil?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Because they are thiefs

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Grant Kodyk

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Who provides security on ships sailing off the coast of Africa guards ships from Somalian pirates?

No one. You are on your own out there.

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Those people selling ilegally things bcuz they dnt live in our coumtry.

Why is Somalia a good position for pirates to take ships?

Because of the proximity of the Somalian coast with that of commercial trade routes ~ see related link below .

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Yes Bolton is a somalian.

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depends where you get it from. i got mine from Somalian pirates after shopping around for a while. $180 is what i payed, fairly cheep as they get it in bulk

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Sumerians, but the SOMALIAN PIRATES perfected it by taking over sailboats and selling captive prisoners, which they kept locked up in a cold, dark cellar.

What does the name Barafun mean in Somalian?

Barafun in Somalian means perfume.

What was Malcolm X ethnicity?

Somalian. They took a DNA test from him and found out it related to the Somalian genetics.

Is the Somalian pirates the strangest people in the world?

Unfortunately, they're not strange at all. Somalian pirates are desperate people. The Somalian economy and government policies leave a great number of people without resources to live and no hope for a future. When this happens, some people take matters into their own hands. In these circumstances, there will always be a segment of the desperate that have no compunctions about taking what they want through force or hurting whomever they need to accomplish their goals. Somalians are very poor and have a very long coast line directly across the Gulf of Aden from some of the richest countries. A lot of wealth in the form of cargo and travelers pass by their shores everyday. See the map linked below and you will see that criminals will not find riches in the areas around them on land so they find the wealth that sails by more attractive.

Is k'naan somalian?

yes he is..