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The site of injection may contain a higher concentration of Meissener (touch) receptors or Pacinian (pressure) receptors.

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Q: Why do Some injections hurt more than others?
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Why do some injections hurt more than others in relation to the skin levels?

Because some have more chemicals that can cause sharp pains and sometimes you just think it's more painful cause you're nervous

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Injections hurt, but vaccines hurt more. The vaccines are putting antibodies into your blood stream, so the pain is your immune system reacting to those antibodies straight away. Injections may be for anything, whether taking out substance or putting substance in. But vaccines definitely hurt much more.Hope this helps!

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Well , if you mean why do some hurt more or less than others I can help you. My high school is going to get the A(H1N1) flu shot this Friday and some people faint because of how scared they can be of getting a shot The reason the pain varies is because some shots have a stronger liquid than others and for some vaccines you are less stressed. More : A shot is not meant to hurt , they are there to protect you and no one finds it pleasant but it's life and there are many things that can happen that hurt more than a vaccine.

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