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Q: Why do UNICEF help poor children around the world?
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What is the purpose of unicef?

to help children around the world

What is the purpose unicef?

to help children around the world

What number of People does UNICEF help?

Unicef help more then 150people around the world.

What are the functions of UNICEF and do they help with?

== == Help Children all over the world during crisis and help with the funding.

What are the achivement of unicef?

The achivement of Unicef is to help people around the world who is poor and that had been hurt by the war going on the world like Africa.

Who does unicef help?

they help children in need

What do you think uNicef is?

UNICEF is a United Nations organization whose objective is to help the children of the world, who need the assistance of those nations and peoples who can help them to live decent lives and to grow up to be educated healthy adults. I think UNICEF is one of the better agencies on the planet and I support and advocate for UNICEF. Helping the children of the world helps all of us earthlings and our planet.

Who helps UNICEF?

they help children in need

What are the functions of UNICEF?

Providing basic education infrastructure to the world

What is aim of unicef?

UNICEF is an advocate for children's rights. Their goal is to expand the opportunities for children to help them meet their full potential.

How does UNICEF help people?

UNICEF helps by providing the essentials of food, shelter, clean water, and health care to millions of impoverished people in developing countries. It addresses desperate needs from both general poverty, and from political consequences (refugees from war or ethnic conflicts). Children, especially those who are homeless or orphaned, are most vulnerable in these situations.

How was UNICEF created?

UNICEF formed after the second world war to help children be back with there family's miles and if they never found there families UNICEF would put pictures of the child around town to see if there parents would come and collect them