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Because heat is a measure of motion and energy of the atoms in a given substance. The more that atoms are moving around the greater the temperature. On the same note, the more motion between atoms the more spaced out and less organized they become. therefore with the exception of water the best way to condense a material (liquid or otherwise) is to cool it. search your science textbooks for "Laws of Thermodynamics". This is the best I can do from memory

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16y ago
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2w ago

When you spray an aerosol can, the pressurized liquid inside expands rapidly, causing it to vaporize and evaporate. This process absorbs heat from the surrounding air, leading to a drop in temperature and making the can feel cold to the touch.

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13y ago

When you spray the can whatever is inside is propelled out of the can, therefore it has gained kinetic (movement) energy. Seeing as the inside of the can is isolated from the atmosphere the only place that energy can come from is inside the can. Heat, on a molecular level, is just the movement of individual particles, as energy is taken away the particles remaining in the can have less kinetic energy and by extrapolating upwards, less thermal energy, making it cold.

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13y ago

Joule Thompson effect. Gas going from high pressure to low pressure makes cooling effect. Same principle as your refrigerator.

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13y ago

the can is an insulator

it was cold when they put it in the factory so it stays cold

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