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It's the compressed air in the aerosol spray you're using. Don't put it so close to your arm pit when you spray. You're not supposed to see a pile of foam forming on your skin. Switch to a gel if can.

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Q: Why is my skin getting cold when I spray deodorant on it?
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Does deodorant help get rid of poison ivy?

It can prevent posion ivy oils from contact towards skin if you spray deodorant on skin, and if you have poison ivy you can rub or spray deodorant on infected skin to prevent more oils to excape onto skin. Poison Ivy oils can last up to 5 yrs on any surface, so properly wash in soapy water any garden tools or even what you have touched recently to clear your chances of spreading it.

Does cold water dry your skin?

no,cold wated keeps your skin refreshed its keeps your skin from getting dry

Why hands feel cold when perfume is sprayed?

It has something do with a bit of physics. see usually the perfume or deo is in compressed form in their containers at high pressures , so when they do come out to atmospheric pressures the perfume has to expand. In order to do this it has to push the air out of its way which consumes energy. This energy is taken the "body" heat of the perfume itself thus cooling it. its basically how refrigeration works

How do you use spray on skin?

grab it and spray on your skin

When was spray-on skin invented?

Spray on Skin was invented in 1990

Does deodorant cause cat's skin problems?

no but it can poison it

What happens when you put deodorant on your skin?

You smell better!

Which deodorant is safe for skin?

All deoderant is safe for skin trust your answer is ANY!

Does deodorant cause breast cancer in women?

It sinks into your skin

What makes deodorant absorb into skin?

Aluminum and is toxic to your body

What is spray on skin used for?

spray on skin is used for really bad injurys and burns.

Is it safe to use deodorant directly on skin?

Yes. That is how it is normally used