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Q: Why do a cats coat grow thicker?
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What does it mean when a cats coat grows thicker?

Winter's coming.

What causes dogs to grow a winter coat?

Dogs grow thicker winter coats to keep warmer in winter. The signal for dogs to grow their winter coats is the length of daylight each day; as it declines, the dog's body reacts by growing a thicker coat.

Do feral cats have longer fangs then domestic cats?

No, everything is the same -- cats are cats. In colder climates, a feral cat often has a thicker coat. Feral cats are domesticated but they have not been around people enough to be fully trusting.

Do cows change coats is with the season?

The actuall patern would not change, but in winter it would have a thick coat, autumn losing the coat, summer normal coat (thin), spring, begining to grow the thicker coat again.

How do alley cats look?

Alley cats look just like other domesticated cats. Cats who live outside in cold areas often have a thicker and rougher coat, which thins and softens once they live in a warm house/area.

Why would animal's coat change during the winter and summer?

they grow a thicker coat during the winter because its so cold then loss it in the summer so they don't over heat

Why does your rabbit have a bald patch?

If your bunny lives outside in a hutch, it is normal for it to lose fur during the season changes. My bunny loses fur in the fall, to grow a thicker coat for winter. It also loses fur in the spring, to grow a lighter coat for the summer.

Can a cat get more fluffier in a week?

No, as human hair. Cat fur takes time to grow to build up a thicker coat. It takes around 3 to 6 months to grow fur.

What makes caribou different from herbivores of warmer climates?

Caribou have a thicker coat of fur and wider hooves - nova net answer

How do you protect cats inwinter?

They will protect themselves. In the winter they grow a coarser coat of fur, which is why they shed more in the spring. :-) Hope I helped!

What do animals do to the changing weather when they stay active?

Animals that stay active during the winter days grow a winter coat, which is thicker fur then they have during the warmer seasons.

Why do cats shead?

Because they grow new hair. It's like when you have dandruff on your head. Your just getting a new coat of skin. When they shed, their just getting a new, healthier coat of fur.