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It really goes past just finaces..the first thing abusers do is control a person envrioment,ie..stop contact of family,friends.they will make a person feel no self worth..its part of the abuse cycle. They beat them,and the victim is now convinced no one is there,they feel they"deserve it,and no one loves them or cares" abusers are master's of maniuplation. It is very hard to understand all types of abuse that victims go through,its not just physical. The best thing for an outsider of this realtionship is just to say you care,and find resourses for the victim..dont confront the abuser the victim will be hurt more...

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well you shouldn't hate yourself you should hate the person that abused you...because you didnt do anything wrong Answer: you shouldn't hate yourself neither the other person because it.was what you wanted at one time and if it turned out to be an abusive relationship so you learn what to do and what to avoid in the next relationship .

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It exist because the person being hurt stays in the relationship thinking the abuser will stop. Face reality this person has issues and they will not just up and change. I would advise anyone who is in an abusive relationship whether physical,emotional or verbal get out while you still can, because the abuser is not going to change magically.

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It could. But not every Bipolar person is abusive. It should however, never be an excuse for abuse. A person who is abusive Bipolar or not, is wrong in what they are doing. Seek help if you or someone you know is in an abusive relationship/situation.

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Well, refer to the name, a relationship, that involves abuse. It can be towards the male or female, if you are in an abusive relationship, leave the person and/or call the police or abuse hotline..idk it though

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Answer Leaving to gain control in an abusive relationship won't help you much. You will never gain control over a person who is mentally sick by leaving him or her. This person needs help and either you stand by them while they get professional help or you leave because you feel it's the thing to do. Don't leave for all the wrong reasons and later regret your move, if you have children and this person won't go for help, then leave as fast as you can because your children will eventually be affected by your choice to stay in an abusive relationship. Good luck

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Look up Traumatic Bonding and Stockholm Syndrome. And get out of that relationship.

Is staying in abusive relationship a good idea?

You should definitely go. An abusive relationship is unhealthy for you both physically and emotionally. If you continue to stay with that abusive person, you will more than likely end up being attracted to more abusive people in the future. In fact some abusive relationships can lead to suicide and/or being murdered.

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Cheating is a choice made by the person who cheats, and not the fault of the person who may have been abusive. Abusive behavior is never an excuse for infidelity. Both partners should seek help to address any underlying issues in the relationship.

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because there can be good things that come from the bad relationship.....that person may just have an anger issue but is still very sweet sometimes

If a guy just wants for his own needs what should you do?

My opinion only: this is a bad bad thing If the other person in any relationship does not care enough to care about you it is time to move on. This is because this one sided relationship is abusive, even if you can leave and don't you are allowing this person to abuse you.

Where can a person find help to get out of an abusive relationship?

There exist a hotline for every state in the United States if you find yourself in an abusive relationship which you can find on the Tripod website. If you find yourself in immediate danger you can also contact 911 and they will assist you immediately.