

Why do adoptees want to look for the birth parents?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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βˆ™ 14y ago

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because that is there blood mother and father

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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Q: Why do adoptees want to look for the birth parents?
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They should have a right 2 of my best friends are adopted and are looking for their parents but there parents now don't want them to but its mainly because there afraid of having there adopted child loving her real parents more but that's not the case you may have a brother or sister you may know and not realize he/she is yours so it's better to know

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Sometimes, it is up to the person, whether they feel right meeting their birth parents or not, and whether the birth parents want to meet them.

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It is normal to have feelings that you were an accident if your birth parents didn't want you but try to focus on something more positive. The parents that raised you wanted a child and you were born for them.

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Cancel your birth and get born to parents who were tall.

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open adoptions does not mean that you will have communication with your child whenever you want. Communication is worked out between the birth parents and adoptive parents, with the adopted parents having more say than the birth ones.

Do you need parental consent to buy birth control?

Depends if you want your parents to know your on it or not, but If you want to be discrete then you can go to a local Planned Parenthood or Clinic and ask for birth control they give you a special green card that gives you the benefits to get birth control without paying for it and they wont tell your parents.

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you can look for things that you want on the computer! you can also beg your parents to get you what you want.

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look if you are bisexual and your parents are not okay with it they are bad parent and should let you be who you are so be who you are and be proud

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if they terminated their rights, they're probably out of luck

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bribe them. ( or if your parents have them, tell them how great theres look, and tell them how much you want to be like them. )