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Q: Why do air rush in our lungs when we inhale?
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When you inhale why does air rush into your lungs?

When you inahle, air rushes into your lungs because that is the only pathway air is allowed to travel. The body is designed to be air tight and water tight where it needs to be so that no foriegn material can do damage to the rest of the body.

What causes the air pressure in your lungs to decrease and make you inhale?

When you inhale, oxygen fills your lungs. Next the oxygen diffuses out of your lungs into your bloodstream. The diffusion of oxygen from the lungs causes less pressure in your lungs signaling your brain that you need to inhale.

What structures do you use to inhale air into your lungs?


Does your chest expand because your lungs inflate or do your lungs inflate because your chest expands?

There are no muscles in the lungs that help inhale or exhale, this is the job of the diaphragm.

What is the of air into and out of your lungs?

oxygen goes into your lungs and then co2 comes out when mixed with a substance in your lungs.

How does air travel when you inhale?

It travels down the trachea to your lungs.

How do alligators obtain oxygen?

Alligators are air breathers. They inhale and exhale through their nostrils. Their lungs absorb oxygen from the air that they inhale.

When you inhale does pressure decrease inside or increase?

The act of inhaling is to create low pressure in the lungs, causing the air in the atmosphere to rush in as it is moving from a higher pressure (outside in the atmosphere) to the lower pressure (created in the lungs). However the fact that air does move into the lungs means that there is no net change in pressure.

How do you inhale and exhale in the respiratory system?

by the air pressure we have inside our lungs

When you inhale the diaphram does what?

it contracts when you exhale because it is pushing the air out of your lungs.

What element makes up the majority of the air we inhale?

are lungs and oxogent

What happens to lungs when you inhale?

what happens when you inhale is that air goes into your lungs and your lungs get bigger ...Actually, your diaphragm moves to expand the volume of your thoracic cavity, which pulls a partial vacuum on your lungs, causing them to expand FIRST...and THEN the partial vacuum created by your expanded lungs causes air to move into them. When you breath out, it causes the reverse to occur.