

Why do algae do well in slow moving water?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Why do algae do well in slow moving water?
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Why do algae do well in an ecosystems with slow moving water?

Algae do well in ecosystems with slow-moving water because it allows them to absorb nutrients and sunlight more effectively. Slow-moving water provides a stable environment for algae to grow and thrive, as it helps prevent them from being washed away. Additionally, slow-moving water promotes the development of diverse microhabitats where different types of algae can colonize and coexist.

Does slow moving water cause erosion or fast moving water?

yes and no well it cant cause fast water and it will weather slower then as if water would at a fast current so it will weather just slow.

Where did Gregorio Valasquez discover Blue-Green Algae?

Algae is found every where, even in the desert. If you take a handful of desert dirt and let it sit in some water in light, algae will start to grow. Thankfully it is very resilient, it produces most of the oceans oxygen and is the bottom link in the food chain for aquatic life. it is found in places which are damp and exposed to sunlight. it can also grow on walls. eg. under a tap

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concervation of momentum concervation of momentum 2nd Answer: Well, not really, no. Friction causes moving objects to slow.

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They inhabit ponds and slow moving streams, where they swim near the bottom. See the related link for more information.

What causes some plants and animals to have to live on the outer edges of a moving body of fresh water?

well, plants,such as algae, grow in water and damp area. sometimes animals like microorganisms for example, live in water too. we don't have wings, so we can't fly, we don't have gills, so we can't live underwater. algae reproduces in water, and bacteria love having feild days in water too.

Can a crayfish live with an algae eater?

re: no because their are no fresh water clams domb asses There are plenty of fresh water clams, check your spelling before calling anyone dumb next time. and no, they wont eat the clams, they are bottom scavengers. but they will eat slow or sick fish, as well as destroy plants

Water lilies eat algae?

Water lilies do not eat algae. They extract nutrients from the water and sediment through their roots, but they do not consume algae as a food source. Algae can grow near water lilies in the same habitat, but they are not part of the water lily's diet.

What pond fish are cold water algae eaters?

Plecos work well in ponds and cold water aquariums.

Is the green algae that forms in sitting water bad for you?

tough question well the algae is really gross and has many bacteriums and oyher microscopic beings so if i were you i would clean the algae out the pool

What are the consequences fo being a sloth?

Sloths are very, very slow. They are not able to escape attach from predators. They have slow metabolisms as well. They commonly fall from trees from moving too slow.

How does a fiddler crab catch algae?

The siphon algae through small screen like structures in there oral crevices while in the water, as well as capture algae like planktonic organisms with their smaller claws.