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A. Alkali metals have the large radii and low atomic weights

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Q: Why do alkali metals have a low density?
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Characteristics of alkali metals?

Alkali metals are group 1 elements in the periodic table, including lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, cesium, and francium. They are highly reactive, silvery-colored metals that are soft enough to be cut with a knife. Alkali metals have one electron in their outermost energy level, making them eager to lose that electron to form a +1 cation.

What is the difference between alkali metals and alkali earth metals?

Alkali metals are from Group 1 of the Periodic table and have a single electron in their outer shell. Alkaline-Earth metals are in group 2 of the periodic table and have 2 electrons in their outer shell.

What are some characteristics of alkali metals?

Alkali Metals: the alkali metals are found in the first group of the periodic table, Alkali metals are very reactive metals and they are not freely in their nature, alkali metals have one electron in their outermost shell. therefore alkali metals are ready to loose that one electron for bonding with other elements, alkali metals are good conductor of electricity and heat. they are soft in nature than other metals.The Alkali Metals are:lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium cesium, francium

What is the effect of heat energy on alkali metals?

The melting point of alkali metals is low.

Why property makes the alkali metals very reactive?

The alkali metals have a low electronegativity and they easily loss an electron.

What is the characteristics of the alkali metal group?

Alkali metals are very reactive, react easily with water, forms strong bases, have low de density, have low hardness, the flame is strongly colored, forms ionic bonds, etc.

What are the property of alkali metals?

highly reactive, tarnish easily, low melting points, soft, low density, some have weak radiation also it is very flammable in water

What are properties of alkali metals?

highly reactive, tarnish easily, low melting points, soft, low density, some have weak radiation also it is very flammable in water

What are common physical and chemical features of alkali metals?

Examples: react violently with water, low density, low melting point, low ionization energy, monovalent, group 1, etc.

What are very soft shiny metals with low melting points?

Alkali Metals

Silvery solids with low densities and low melting points found in group 1?

Silvery solids with low densities and low melting points are alkali metals. These are located in group one on the periodic table.