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-.-" Traits, dude. You know, features that you inherrit from your parents. Sh*t happens. Im glad you exist, its people like you that keep me amused.

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Q: Why do all people do not have dimples and cleft chin?
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How common are cleft lips?

A cleft chin, or a chin with a dimple in it, almost resembling that of a butt is pretty common amongst people. All a cleft chin really is- is a Y-shaped fissure on the jaw bone.

Why is that dimples and clift chin are not given to all?

because some people are just special

What percentage of people have cleft chins?

Although the percentage of cleft chinned individuals varies from 4.84% to ... In the present series,people ofKerala, ... sexes the males have a higher incidence of cleft chin among the Manipuri Brah- minsand Meithe.

Do females have cleft chins?

No.My answer is Yes. Actually, I would have agreed with the No answer above till I saw the most recent Vehix commercial with a blonde actress is in. She has a cleft chin.There is a slew of debates over who that actress is and all the ones people have written in about are not the one. You can NOT miss that identifying chin of hers, therefore I say, YES a female can have a cleft chin, and an answer for who the actress is in that commercial has not been correctly provided. Just look at the chin people!!!

What are traits that you get from parents?

hair color, eye color, freckles, dimples, nose shape/size, cowlicks, height, weight, special abilities (smart, athletic, musically inclined.. etc.), cleft chin, how calm you are, how easily you get upset, sad, etc. hope this helps!! (:

Why does your son have a cleft chin with no family history of a cleft chin on either side?

Actually, the answer is YES. If your child has a cleft chin, either you and the other parent have one of the traits to create the cleft. When both traits come together, the cleft is formed. So you can't see it in the parents but you can in the child. In ref to the comment below... The same goes with eye color. Brown and Blue are so close it's not even funny. They're just one marker apart. Children with cleft chins don't have to have a parent with a cleft chin, that i simple genetics, one of the great great granfathers of a child might have had it, and it resurfaced many many genirations later, it really is all genetic, some people have blue eyes while niether parents have the trait, it is simply a gene that has been skipped and is now resurfacing!

Why do some people have a dot on their chin?

Some people have special genes designed for certain characteristics to show. Whether you mean dimples or moles or freckles, it is all determined by the parents genotypes (genetic makeup).

Has Michael Jackson had plastic surgery?

His nose done twice and a cleft put in his chin, that's all he's admitted to he may have had that many and just changed with age or he may have had more. The correct amount is something only him and his surgeon(s) would know, anything else is just speculation.

Do most Chinese people have dimples?

No, dimples are not common among Chinese people. Dimples are a genetic trait that is found in individuals of all ethnicities, but they are not specific to any particular group.

Can fat people have dimples?

Yes, dimples can occur in people of all body types, including those who are overweight or obese. Dimples are caused by variations in the underlying facial muscles and are not necessarily related to body weight.

What is another name for the dimples on a golf ball?

The indentations on golf balls are called dimples. These dimples act as turbulators, which increase the speed, and therefore the distance, which the ball travels, by reducing drag. People began to notice this when they began to realise that poorer people, who had nicks and bumps in their golf balls simply because they couldn't afford new ones, were better at golf than the rich people with brand new smooth balls, prompting aerodynamicists to try and find out why. Now all golf balls have these indentations, or 'dimples'.

What is the percentage of dimples in the world?

Dimples are mostly located on the cheeks. They are common genetic trait. Most are caused by a birth defect, which just goes to show that not all "malformations" are actually bad. In fact, in many cultures, dimpled cheeks are considered attractive.