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No. The current theory is that each figure (or at least the face) was modeled after an individual soldier in the army.

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Q: Why do all the terracotta warriors look different?
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Do the terracotta warrios look alike?

I'm pretty sure they all look different because the artisans of Ancient day china modeled all the Terra cotta warriors after the army in that time.... hope i could help :)

How big is the Terracotta Army?

The Terracotta Warriors vary in height. They are on average 1.84 metres tall. Amongst these statues, the shortest one is of height 1.75 metres. And there are many statues above 1.90 metres.

Were all the people who worked on the terracotta warriors killed?


Why are they called Terracotta Warriors?

Because they are warrior-like statues made of terracotta (a kind of clay). Actually, they were modelled after the best soldiers of Qin Shihuang. However, 'terracotta warriors', 'terracotta soldiers' or 'terracotta army' are all general terms, their full name is 'Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qin Shihuang' since they are called '秦始皇兵马俑' in Chinese.

Is there a girl in the Terracotta Army?

No, these terracotta warriors are models of the emperor's elite troop so they are all male, no "mulan" among them.

Did the Terracotta Warriors have weapons?

they used all sorts of bows and slings and trebachutes

How much do the Terracotta Warriors weigh?

Someone has estimated that one terracotta warrior's weight is around 300 kg but it may not be accurate, just for reference.

What were the terracotta warriors made for?

They aren't fighting anyone. They were buried with Emperor Qin to help him control his empire in the afterlife. They were a replica of his real army and were to stand guard and protect him from all his enemies.

Why did the emperor want so many terracotta warriors?

All the special items didn't satisfy Qin, so he built a big terracotta army that protected his tomb for eternity, like his flesh-and-blood troops that defended him for his lifetime.

How many tourists visit the Terracotta Warriors every year?

On average, around 2 million tourists visit the Terracotta Warriors in Xi'an, China every year. It is a popular tourist attraction due to its historical significance and impressive archaeological site.

Is each terracotta soilder the same?

Each of the terracotta soldiers are unique, distinguished by facial features and originally, paint. Not only are they life-size and individually modelled in clay, but the detail of the figures is astounding. Not only can we observe the construction of body armour of terracotta army, with even the heads of rivets standing out, but the soles of the shoes of the kneeling warriors are modelled with fine tread patterns. The hands and the heads of the terracotta warriors were made separately, and each head is reputed to be different and individual. Although all the warriors were in the pits they had been buried in, many of them were in pieces and have had to be restored. The museum technicians and craftsmen who undertook this difficult task often had to remodel parts to restore areas of the figures that were too badly damaged to be reconstructed.

Where was the terra cotta army found?

The Terracotta Army was found at the foot of the mountain Lishan (骊山) in Lintong County (临潼县, today's Lintong Distract of Xi'an), 1.5 km to the east of Qin Shihuang's Tomb (秦始皇陵). Around the findspot, there was stony and deserted land, where local people seldom went to, so the Terracotta Army was found by sheer coincidence.