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When you are in a dusty place, you do tend to cough and sneeze more often. That is because the dust particles get breathed into your nose and throat and caught in the mucus lining, on nose hairs, and cilia in your lungs. When dust is in your nose, it can irritate your nose's lining. This causes you to sneeze, in an effort to clear the dust from your nose. A cough works the same way, but it clears your throat and lungs.

Special Caution:

Be sure to cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue and then throw it away. Or, if no tissue is at hand, cover your nose and mouth with your arm and sleeve by turning your face into the crook of your elbow. Wash your hands afterward.

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With Allergies your lungs and nose get irritated. You sneeze because you suddenly become allergic to so many things, your nose gets really sensitive. More stuff makes your nose irritated and the nose wants the stuff out so it sneezes them out. Your lungs get irritated because you're not breathing as much. Your nose is all stuffed up so it's harder to breathe which makes you cough.

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Q: Why do people cough or sneeze when there is dust in the air?
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When there is a lot of dust in the air people often cough and sneeze why dose this happen?

It happens to keep the respiratory system clean.

What is an explosive and sudden release of air through the mouth?

A cough or sneeze.

What are the similarities and differences of a cough and a sneeze?

The difference is that when you sneeze your nasal passages push out air and when you cough your lungs push inward.

How is a sneeze different from a cough?

A sneeze is completely involuntary and cannot be stopped. A cough reflex is also involuntary, but it is sometimes possible to "hold it in". Coughing comes from the lungs while sneezing comes from the nose.

What are the similarities and differences of a sneeze and a cough?

sneeze reflex is very much like the cough reflex first; an amount of air is inspired, epiglottis closses to trap the air in the lung then; muscles contract forcefully while lastly; the sudden open of glottis so that the air under the high pressure is rapidly explodes outward. those are the similarities in cough & sneeze.

ayo why does my sneeze sound like a cough?

The noise a sneeze makes depends on how the air exists your nose and mouth

Do mute people sneeze?

yes, they sneeze because it is just the expansion & sudden contraction forcing the air out. it happens when a dust particle or a pollen grain enters the lungs

Does dust make you sneeze?

Chalk dust can make people sneeze for the same reason regular dust does. What happens is when you breathe in dust, the tiny particles of it get stuck to the mucus coating the inside of your nose. If there's enough dust, it can irritate the mucous membranes inside your nose. When the membrane's irritated, you suddenly feel an intense tickle inside your nose, which triggers your sneeze reflex. When you sneeze, air is forcefully blasted out of your mouth and nose, helping to get rid of what was that made you sneeze.

Why does cilia cause you to cough or sneeze?

From what I understand, coughs and sneezes aren't directly triggered by cilia. But, if they get overwhelmed, then it could lead to a sneeze or cough. An example- You're in a very dust room. Lots of dust is going into your nose. Your cilia beat a layer of mucus to the back of your nose, which takes about 15 minutes or so, to clear it out. But since there's so much dust, the cilia can't clear enough of it out to keep it from building up in your nose, and this buildup can then irritate the nerves in the lining of your nose. You then sneeze, which uses a big blast of air to expel the dust from your nose and other airways.

Can air conditioning cause a cat to sneeze?

No. Dust, allergies, or a cold can cause a cat to sneeze, just like humans.

How do you get Mycobacterium tuberculosis?

It is spread through the air when people who have an active TB infection cough, sneeze, or otherwise transmit respiratory fluids through the air.

What are the similarities between cough and sneeze?

best answersneeze reflex is very much like the cough reflexfirst; an amount of air is inspired, epiglottis closses to trap the air in the lung then; muscles contract forcefully while lastly; the sudden open of glottis so that the air under the high pressure is rapidly explodes outward.those are the similarities in cough & sneeze.