

Why do alligators hatch from eggs?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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They grow inside the egg and the pressure grows and the egg stats to crack.

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Q: Why do alligators hatch from eggs?
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Do baby alligators hatch from eggs?

Yes they do. Yes

Alligators and tigers born?

Alligators hatch from eggs. Tigers are born alive, like other mammals.

Why do alligators produce a lot of offspring?

20% chance that there eggs will hatch

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How do you make alligator?

Two alligators have sex. The girl alligator then lays eggs, and they hatch out little baby alligators. You can't be a part of making an alligator unless you are an alligator.

How do alligators chosse to hatch male or female eggs?

Alligator Eggs gender is determined by temperature if the temp is high or low it is a female. When it is in the middle they are male.

When are baby alligators born?

After the male alligator mates with the female, the female lays a clutch of from 20 to 40 eggs, which will hatch after about 60 to 65 days. The mother alligator will help the young to find the water so they can begin to feed, and will remain in the area for up to a year while they grow to maturity.

Southern alligater lizard method of birth?

Both alligators and lizards are reptiles; they lay eggs which hatch into babies. They do not give birth.

How do alligators lay eggs?

Alligators lay roughly 20-50 eggs.

Does alligator laid eggs on land?

Alligators make a nest from rotting leaves and dirt beside the water. They usually stay nearby while the eggs are in the nest. When the babies hatch, they make peeping noises, and the mother alligator digs them up and carries them to the water. Alligators actually make very good mothers, and care for their babies for several weeks until the babies can survive on their own.

Do father alligators eat alligators eggs?

no they do not

Where do baby alligators live?

Baby alligators live with their mothers. The mother alligator builds the nest next to her gator hole. When the babies hatch, she takes them into her hole where they swim around and learn to be gators. As long as they are with her, they are safe from predators. As they get bigger, they start wandering off. That is when the predators start eating them. Eventually all of them wander off. A few will survive to start new families.