

Why do angelfish live in the open ocean zone?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: Why do angelfish live in the open ocean zone?
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What ocean zone does the angelfish live in?

There are different kinds of 'angelfish' that have different ocean habitats. The marine angelfish can be found in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, as well as the western Pacific Ocean. The Pterophyllum (freshwater genus) angelfish can be found living mainly in the Orinoco River, Amazon River, and the Essequibo River.

What fish live in the open ocean zone?

Many big fish live in the open ocean zone including dolphins, whales, sharks, and tuna. There are many other fish that live in the open ocean as well.

What oceanic zone do angelfish live in?

hadal zone

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The ocean zone is the deep, or open ocean zone, where they swim amongst the coral and red water ;D

Which zone probably has the greatest variety of living things the neritic zone or the itertidal zone or the open-ocean zone?

This question is debatable. It could either be the open-ocean zone because it is bigger and deeper so animals who can live at the bottom and the top can live in the open-ocean zone. it could be the neritic zone because of the water that flows through and etc. =D

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How many species live in the open ocean zone?

over 5,000 species of fish live in the ocean

Do bottlenose dolphins live in the open ocean zone?

Yes Yes

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The lampray can live in any ocean zone The lampray can live in any ocean zone The lampray can live in any ocean zone

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