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well If an animal or plant is to survive it must be able to fit in with the environmental conditions which occur in its habitat. A+K xxx

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Q: Why do animal in cold places have thick fur?
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Why does the animal have thick fur?

To stay warm in the cold winter.

What is the different between the skin of animal living in cold region?

they have thick fur on their bodies

What animal has a thick fur coat for a cold climate and long fingers for grasping branches?

Polar bear is protected by by the thick fur and has black skin to absorb the heat

What is the animal who has thick fur to survive in the water?

Beavers and polar bears have thick fur.

How do polar bears live on their land?

it is the polar bears thick fur .for an example if a polar bear lives in Florida they will die why? because the fur likes the cold places that is why a polar bear lives on their land if they live in your land they will die so the thick fur helps keep them cold

How is a woolly mammoth different from another animal?

They´re basically elephants with small ears and thick fur. Small ears to cope with the cold, and fur for the same reason. Fur is pretty unique on an animal from that family, but otherwise they weren´t very special.

Why do animals in the polar region have thick fur and skin?

The animals in the polar regions have thick fur and thick skin to protect themselves from the cold climatic conditions.

How does thick fur help an arctic hare and an arctic for to survive during the winter?

Both animals are protected from the cold by their thick fur.

Why is animal fur good to use?

Because animal fur keeps you warm in cold weather that's why animals don't get cold in the winter .They have their fur to help them.

Can animals in the desert have thick fur?

There are multiple reasons. One is that having light fur means that the animal will be able to stay cooler then that of an animal that has thick fur. If you mean color the darker the color the more sunlight it attracts.

How can see otters live in such cold temperatures?

thick fur

Why does animals and birds that live in cold countries have thick fur and feathers?

to prevent the cold !!