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Q: Why do ankles swell from drinking red wine?
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Why is your feces green after drinking red wine?

The red food coloring in (mostly cheap) red wine combined with the normal brown color of feces = green!

How do you prevent red wine from staining your teeth?

Stop drinking it......just a thought:)

Can red wine hurt your health?

Drinking red wine (as well as white wine, beer and distilled spirits) in moderation is associated with better health and longer life than abstaining from alcohol.

Does anyone experience body aches after drinking red wine?

I thought I was the only one. After I drink red wine my muscles ache all over and I can't sleep well that night. Red wine is the only wine that has this effect. I would love to know why.

Could you use non alcoholic red wine in a recipe that calls for red wine?

Yes im from australia and our local supermarkets sell them.

What is red wine supposed to protect you from?

Drinking red wine in moderation improves heart health and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease disease. The same is true of white wine, beer, and distilled spirits.

Are you supposed to breath out when drinking red wine?

You are supposed to always breathe. Otherwise, you will suffocate.

Is one glass of red or white wine bad when you have gastritis?

Drinking alcohol (beer, wine or liquor) helps reduce gastritis.