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Q: Why do anteaters sleep on the ground?
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Where do anteaters migrate to?

Anteaters do not migrate. They also do not typically hibernate. Anteaters are not very aggressive animals, but can be fierce when cornered.

Why do anteaters have a sticky tongue?

Because anteaters eat ants, and when they lick the ants off the ground, the ants will stick to the anteater's tongue.

Where to lions sleep?

Lions sleep on the ground.

What do anteaters prefer to eat?

Though anteaters, in the wild, mainly eat ants and termites, they will also eat soft-bodied grubs, soft fruits and birds' eggs. Anteaters in zoos will also eat soft fruits, hard-boiled eggs, ground beef and dog kibble. There are several species of anteaters.

Are anteaters a invertebrate?

No, anteaters are vertebrates.

Do fish sleep lying down or do they just sleep?

Fish sleep on the ground.

Why do anteaters have eyes when they are blind?

anteaters are blind

What does anteaters?

Anteaters eat Ants and termites

Where do prairie dogs live and sleep?

They live and sleep in the ground.

What is the collective noun of anteaters?

There is not specific collective noun for anteaters, most likely because anteaters are solitary animals. However, if you need a word for a group of anteaters, a noun suitable for the context is used, for example a pair of anteaters, a family of anteaters, etc.

How do anteater survive?

Anteaters survive because they can camouflage themselves while they sleep. They are also excellent swimmers and have sharp claws for defending against predators.

What layer and rain forest do anteaters live in?

I believe it is the canopy. But it may be in the one just below that.. +++ Try the ground - they attack ants' nests. the clue is in the animal's name.