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The term antler is most often used to refer to the horns of members of the deer family Cervidae.

This is a bit of a stretch, but I am going to guess that the term is an abbreviation of "ante-occular" meaning "behind the eyes", since this is where the horns of these animals originate as opposed to (more or less) "beside the eyes" as is the case with the bovines, Bovidae.

Also, the deer family have solid horns, whereas the bovines have hollow horns. Perhaps the different names are simply meant to distinguish one type of horn from the other.

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Q: Why do antlers fall of and horns dont?
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Are antlers and horns the same?

No if horns fall out they never grow back, antlers fall out and grow yearly.

What bis the difference between antlers and horns?

the difference is that antlers will fall off, where as horns won't

What are the horns of a deer is called?

The horns of a deer are called antlers.

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Antlers fall off Horns don't Generally only male deer have antlers but what liberated deer species lets the ladies have them too?


Do deers shed its horns annually and new horns develops?

Yes, but they are antlers, not horns. Horns on cattle and other ungulates are not shed like antlers are.

Are antlers part of the skeleton like horns are?

Yes, antlers are bone and part of the skeleton like horns are.

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Why do hunters want deer with more horns?

Actually technically its not horns they have antlers. Horns never fall off of an animal, whereas antlers do. Deer antlers fall off and regrow every year. You want to shoot a deer with lots of points (antler size) because this means that it is an older deer, more mature than the others, as well as it is likely to be bigger bodied. So this is good for those who want to eat the deer. Which most hunters do.

Why do moose have horns?

Moose don't have horns. They are antlered mammals, much like elk or deer. The difference between horns and antlers is that antlers will typically be grown and fall off annually, whereas horns will grow only once. There are several reasons that moose have antlers. First, when the antlers grow and develop in the warmer months of the year, the antlers are covered in a fine velvet that is soft to the touch. Underneath the velvet flows a system of arteries and veins that circulate blood throughout the antlers. this acts as a cooling mechanism for the moose, keeping it cool in the hot months of summer. When the weather begins to cool down in fall, the moose will shed their velvet, with much bleeding, in order to turn their antlers into weapons. using trees and other objects as sharpening devices, moose peel the velvet from their antlers and sharpen their antlers in order to use them as a defense against predators and as a tool for finding a mate.

A deer with branched horns or antlers?


What is the between antlers and horns?

anters are shed