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Apples rot slower than bananas because they are harder. Hard fruits or vegges rot very slow, for example carrots. But compare carrots to cucumbers which rot really fast because they are soft. Same goes for apples and bananas.

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Q: Why do apples rot slower than bananas?
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What would rot faster banana or apple?

Under the same conditions, a strawberry will rot much faster than an apple.

Why do strawberries spoil faster than bananas and apples?

I don't think strawberries rot faster than a banana. Bananas because they turn brown and moldy after a short period of time. Although the temperature determine when an apple will rot.

How does the air affect bananas and apples?

the oxygen in the air causes food to rot.

What kind of apples rot faster?

Storage apples will rot faster than apples freshly picked.Summer apples will generally go bad faster than fall apples.

Will apples rot in the cold?

Basically yes, however it would be at a much slower spead.

If you squeeze lemon juice on apples will the apples rot faster?

Lemon juice contains citric acid, a weak acid, but it will have have very little effect on the apple. but it will not make it rot faster it will make it rot slower

Would a banana rot faster than apple or a peach if left on the counter and why?

the bananas will rot on the counter in 2 weeks the bananas will rot on the counter in 2 weeks the bananas will rot on the counter in 2 weeks

Why do bananas rot before apples?

nobody knows stupid. but maybe because of the skin and depends when you baught it

What causes apples and bananas to rot?

Microorganisms grow much faster when they are in a warm and humid environment such as a kitchen counter. This also may be due to the fact that there is more bacteria on the counter than say, a fridge.

Why do frozen bananas last longer than room temperature bananas?

Because the room temperature bananas are hotter than the frozen and then the room temperature bananas rot.

Why do bananas rot faster than oranges?

Bananas rot faster than apples because although both fruits will eventually be decomposed by bacteria, the banana is more exposed to these decomposers than an apple, causing it to rot faster than an apple.

Why does a grape rot slower than an orange?

it rots slower because of the particles and cells inside.