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To ensure that the plant is bouyant and floats on or near the surface of the water.

The air spaces also allow more gas exchange/ or diffusion for the plant to get the needed air that isn't as available in the water.

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Q: Why do aquatic plants have air spaces in their stems?
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It comes from the air. The CO2 in the air dissolves in the water and is then avilalbe to aquatic plants.

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They need air, water, and sunlight.

What are facts aquatic plants?

One: they live in water instead of land like regular plants Two: they don't need air

What are some adaptations for a lilypad?

a. The underwater stems are flexible so that the pads can float around b. They have air spaces in their stem so that they can "breathe"

How do drown?

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What makes a kang kong plant float in the water?

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How does co2 in the air pass into plants?

By diffusion through stomata in land plants and in aquatic plantsthrough free plant surface in the disolved form in water.