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The external shell of electrons is completely filled.

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Q: Why do atoms of neon exist in nature as single unbonded atoms?
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Is a mercury a element?

No. It is a Atomic element because it exist in nature with single atoms as their basic unit.

Is mercury a molecular element?

No. It is a Atomic element because it exist in nature with single atoms as their basic unit.

Why do many atoms in nature tend to be found as ions rather than single atoms?

Most single atoms are unstable and must undergo a chemical reaction in order to become stable. The noble gases, however, can exist as single atoms, because they have filled valence shells and are therefore stable on their own.

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What are the only elements in that exist you nature as isolated atoms?

I would say the noble gases since as gases their atoms are isolated and they do not form diatomic molecules like all the other gaseous elements.

How do noble gases exist in nature?

Noble gasses exist in elemental form as individual atoms rather than molecules.

What are the only elements that exist in nature as in uncombined atoms?

The noble gases, gold and platinum.

What are the only element that exist in nature as isolated atoms?

The only such elements are the Noble Gases (He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn) (that is helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon and radon)

What technology exist to visualize atoms?

single crystal x-ray diffraction studies

Why do atoms of all elements except noble gases not exist as single atom?

Why were you not aborted??

How do scientists know atoms exist if atoms are so small?

Atoms could be identified by various technique. Single crystal X-ray diffraction is the most important in that.

Why does helium exist only as single atoms?

Helium exists as single atoms because it is a noble gas, therefore it has a full outer shell.