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Ultra sonic sound, I could be wrong. It could also be echo location.

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Q: Why do bats make a high pitched sound as they fly?
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What sound do bats make?

bats make high pitched squeals to find their way around in the dark, they have poor eyesight so the noises bounce back to tell them where things are.

Do bats make a sound cry that humans can hear If so does it sound like a high pitched noise similar to a fire alarm This type of noise woke you up could it have been a bat in your room?

Can you show me what sound bats make and yes they do make a sound.

Does a cello make a high pitched sound or low pitched sound?

In the violin family it is in the middle of the range. Not quite as low as the bass and not as high as the violins.

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High pitched noises

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a high pitched sound

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to make a sharp,high-pitched,metalic sound........

What sound do violin make?

Usually a high-pitched noise, which can often sound scrapy or squeaky.

Does a violin make a high pitched sound or a low pitched sound?

Compared to a tuba, it's higher. Compared to a piccolo, it's lower.

Do metals make a high pitch sound when you hit them?

Anything you hit makes a vibration. Vibration=Sound. I guess it depends how hard you hit the object (in this case metal) you will be able to hear the sound. But yes, they do make a high pitched sound when you hit them (some so high pitched you will never be able to hear them).

What is the definition of squeal?

A squeal is a high-pitched abrasive sound. The word is used to describe the high-pitched sounds pigs and children make. It can also be used for mechanical sounds, such as the sound of rubber tires trying to get traction, or high-pitched engine sounds.

What sound does a cock make?

they make sound which contain vibrations and have very high pitched voices which make sounds like cocok and others BY MICHAEL

What sound does cocks make?

they make sound which contain vibrations and have very high pitched voices which make sounds like cocok and others BY MICHAEL