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The main component of nectar is liquid sugar and most insects are attracted to the sweet smell and taste of it. Certainly honey bees are not attracted to flowers which have a nice smell but don't produce much nectar.

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Q: Why do bees like the smell of nectar?
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What do flower release into the air that attract bees?

the sweet smell of the flowers attract the bees which causes the bees to collect the nectar from a flower

How do flowers attract bees?

They attract bees with their vibrant colours and sweet smell so they will want the nectar and pollen inside

What flower do bees like?

Bees prefer fragrant, red coloured flowers like roses. Yellow, scentless or purtrid smelling flowers are frequented by flies. I have however seen hungry bees on Dandilions and dasies. Hunger seems to be a great motivator.

What do blue banded bees eat?

nectar Like honey bees, the blue banded bee eats nectar from flowers.

Do bees get nectar from plants?

Yes, bees collect nectar from flowers of the plants

What do burrowing bees eat?

Burrowing bees eat pollen and nectar, just like any other kind of bees.

What do bees use nectar for?

Male bees use nectar for food. Female bees use pollen for feeding the larvae, and nectar and pollen for own food.

What is the liquid bees gather?

nectar (Bees gather nectar from flowers and turn it into honey.)

What sugary liquid do bees get from flowers?

The sweet fluid produced by plants and collected by bees is known as nectar.

Do bees like honey or nectar?

Bees like honey and nectar even though they need nectar in order to produce honey. Floral nectar is rich in the sucrose that gives bees energy to fly from flower to flower and transport nectar and pollen loads back to the hive or nest. Back at the hive or nest, the bee uses the enzyme invertase to transform nectar into dextrose- and laevulose-rich solutions that we know as carbohydrate-rich honey.

How do you make a sentence with the word nectar?

The flower's sweet nectar attracts bees to pollinate it. Bees gather nectar and make it into honey.

What do bees eat beside nectar and honey?

Bees eat pollen as well as nectar and honey.