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Only male Betta fish make bubble nests! they make these for the females, who will lay her eggs in it!

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12y ago

To disguise their eggs from predators. Since it doesn't resemble another fish, it's more likely to be left alone by potential predators.

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15y ago

It means they're happy! :D

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Q: Why do male bettas blow bubble nests when they don't have a female near?
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Why bettas don't blow a bubble nest?

they build it to mate even if there is no female Betta the male builds by instinct and a change in water triggers it. hope that helps.

Why do betta fish blow bubbles?

The bubbles are a bubble nest. Male bettas are the ones that take care of the kids in betta society. They blow the nest and that usually means he's happy or ready to reproduce. They also sometimes blow them when the composition of their water changes or their is a barometric change in air pressure. It doesn't always mean they are ready to be parents, though and sometimes perfectly healthy males won't blow them.

What is throwing a bubble?

throwing a bubble means to blow a bubble normally in a bubble gum

Why isn't my male betta blowing a betta fish?

I assume that you intended to ask why your male betta isn't blowing a bubble nest. Male bettas blow bubble nests when they are happy and ready to mate. some build them easier than others, some wont even build one until they see the female or even until they are actually fertilizing the eggs. To encourage your betta to build a bubble nest, be sure he has enough room (at least 2.5 gallons) not a lot of surface motion on the water, make sure the water is at least 78*. You can also let your betta flare at his reflection by putting a mirror up against the glass. this is good exercise and may kick start his territorial instincts and encourage the building of a bubble nest.

How To Blow A Bubble?


Does a blow pop have bubble gum in it?

Yes, it has bubble gum in it.

What bubble gum will blow the biggest bubble?

Hubba Bubba

What do male bettas do when then want to mate?

If the male is not interested in the female betta, (which is usually the case when bettas are to old, too young, or the female is not ready to have kids) the male will attack it. If the male is interested, then the male will make a bubble nest in order to keep the eggs safe. Then, the male will chase the female violently. This is called a courtship. The male will then fertilize the female's eggs and place them in the bubble nest. He will then chase the female away. He will either eat the eggs or guard them. If he guards them, eggs will continue to fall off the nest, so the male will pick them up with his mouth and put them back until the eggs hatch.

Which bubble blow bigger procedure?

you open the pack then you put it inside your mouth chew for 20 sec then blow the bubble

How do you pop a bubble gum bubble?

blow it too big and then it pops

How Does Bubble Gum Create A Bubble?

When the blow on the gum, air builds up and comes out as a bubble.

How big does a bubble blow?

it is big