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Anywhere on exposed skin.

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Q: Where on the corpse will a blow fly female lay its eggs?
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What if insects laid eggs deep within your cerebral cortex?

If depends on the type of insect of course. If it's the eggs of a fruit fly then nothing. If it's the eggs of a blow fly then you are in for a gruesome death.

How many eggs do female flies produce?

a fly produces 120 eggs at a time

How many eggs does a bot fly lay?

A female adult bot fly can lay from 300 to 1000 eggs in her short life span. The adult bot fly has no other goal in life than to lay eggs.

What happens if blow fly lands on food and deposits it's egg?

If a blow fly lands on food it will most likely deposit an egg. The eggs will hatch maggots which will eat the food and it will go rotten.

How many fruit fly offspring can one fruit fly have?

The female fruit fly lays 400 eggs every 16 days.

How does a fly reproduce?

the male fly fertilizes the eggs in the female and she lays them in places where the offspring(magots) can eat typically carrions

How many eggs at a time does a female tsetse fly generally produce?

Only one!

A female housefly can lay how many eggs?

Each female fly can lay approximately 500 eggs in several batches of about 75 to 150 eggs.Â

Describe the fruit fly life cycle?

A fruit fly can live up to 40-50 days. A female fruit fly will lay her eggs on a piece of fruit or decaying organism. The eggs will hatch into larvae, eat from the fruit and grow into a full grown adult fruit fly.

What is the mating season for dragonflies?

most dragonflies after mating, accompany theis female to lay eggs, they both fly together, while the male's "tale" locked in to the female's head, the male accompanies the female to lay eggs. they both fly above the water the female "dips" her tale in to the water and lay her eggs. most dragonflies after mating, accompany theis female to lay eggs, they both fly together, while the male's "tale" locked in to the female's head, the male accompanies the female to lay eggs. they both fly above the water the female "dips" her tale in to the water and lay her eggs.

Do big cockroach lay eggs?

No. Only female cockroaches lay eggs. There is no male insect of any kind which lays the eggs. A female cockroach will lay anywhere between 10 and 40 eggs in a batch, and a total of around 30 batches of eggs during her lifetime.

What is the verb in the sentence to make a kite fly you need the wind to blow?

To make To fly To need To blow