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All rhinos are herbivores, plant eaters. No rhino would ever eat Another rhino.

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they use their horns to ward of enemies and threaten other creatures with them.

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10y ago


All rhinos are herbivores, plant eaters.

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Q: Why do black rhinos have horns?
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Why are pothers killing black rhinos?

potters are killing black rhinos for there horns and they will sell them for money

What is the decrease in rhinos?

rhinos are hunted for their horns

How do black rhinos interact?

The best thing to do is stop poulterer to stop killing them for there horns but if that poulterer good to do that then here are fact black rhinos can kill in the night & the early morning.

Are black rhinos habitat destroyed?

No. The decline of this animal was not loss of habitat, but rather poaching for its horns.

How does the exaction of black rhinos effects other species?

1)If the Black rhinos and its habits are protected then the other rhino species avoid extinction. 2) People living close to the Black rhinos, kill the black rhinos to make a living. By selling their horns and skin. If the there are no black rhinos then the people will start killing other species causing more and more species to become extinct.

Do female rhinos have tusks?

No, female rhinos don't have tusks. They have horns.

Why are poachers focused on rhinos?

for their horns

What are horns of rhinos used for?

They use their horns for fighting or defenses purposes.

Why do peaple kill black rhino?

The horn is very valuable in some places. People kill Black rhinoceros for the horn.

Why poach rhinos?

They poach them for their horns. The horns are used for supposed medical use or sold for money.

How did black rhinos become extinct?

By people hunting and killing them for their horns. Only one of four species of Black Rhinos, Diceros bicornis longipes has tentatively been named extinct. Others are on the endangered list

Why do people poach rhinos?

People poach rhinos because there horns are worth a lot of money. Rhino horns are used to create certain medicines.