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This is normally because of blood clots, if blood clots are chronic in your family then then that is your problem. it may also cause cramps.

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Q: Why do both knees hurt severely when I try to stand after sitting with them bent?
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bent knees ---- a lap

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setting is the act of putting something somewhere else ie- setting the the table sitting is being a position where you knees and waist are bent at approximately a 90 degree angle

What is the difference between the tuck and pike position?

In tuck, your knees are bent. In pike, your knees should be straight.

Why do you dribble the ball with knees bent?

Try walking or jumping with your knees locked. Seriously, does this need to be answered?

Why is it easier to swing your legs back and forth when they are bent?

Because you are generally sitting down with your feet off the floor or ground when you are swinging your legs, and your legs just naturally bend at the knees when you are sitting down. It is impossible to swing your legs back and forth standing on your feet.

Type of joints used in squats?

The knees are the joints involved in squatting and squatting exercises. The knees are bent as the body lowers, and extended when you return to the standing position.In a "squat thrust" the body is bent over, knees halfway bent, and the legs are quickly extended outward, unbending the knees and moving the feet away from the body. Then the legs are pulled back in to the starting position.In a "squat press" (typically using light barbells) the knees are bent and then straightened and as the body becomes erect, the arms (holding weights with elbows bent) are used to lift (press) small weights above the head, fully extending the arms.

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slighty bent

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How should your knees be positioned in good standing posture?

slighty bent

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The most common technique is called "Basic Position". This is a crouched position, with bent knees and ankles, while sitting your but down like your in a chair... But at the same time attempting to place your "Belly on your thigh".

Proper way to stand at the home plate when batting in softball?

with your feet spread a little more than shoulder width apart, with your knees bent, and so that your bat reaches the outside of the plate

What are plea squats?

Stand with your feet spread wide apart and your toes turned out. Squat down until your knees are bent at ninety degrees. Then pressing through your heels, stand back up to a standing position. Repeat for 15 to 25 repetitions.