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Reproduction, security, solidarity, and survival are reasons why box elder bugs clump together.

Specifically, the insect in question (Boisea trivittata) adheres to the generality "Like likes like!" Getting together in groups increases the chances of mating and producing subsequent generations. It facilitates defensive maneuvers and offensive actions against predators and prey. It increases the pool of "communicated knowledge" regarding amount and quantity of predators, prey and shelter. It lets the box elder bug do what needs to be done - with lesser chances of being devoured or killed by predators and with greater chances of staying protected and warm during inclement weather - as it carries out life-sustaining activities or shuts down on living.

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What does a box elder eat?

Box Elder bugs eat flowers, leaves, and maybe apples. You would have to try that at home.

What do box elder bugs drink?

I had one that drank pop! Honestly!

How long can box elder bugs live in the house?

2 days

Will box Elder bugs kill tree?

no they will not kill trees because i had a tree with box elder bugs and our tree didn't die but there is something that you purchase on the internet and it kills them it's called corana something lik that

Do box elder bugs eat mites?

No, box elder bugs do not eat mites. The insects in question (Boisea trivittata) number among the world's plant-eaters. Mites, as members of the arachnid family of arthropods, will not need to fear overlapping territories with box elder bugs ... unless the natural order of life cycles and natural histories hideously is disrupted.

Does a box elder bug have red blood?

No, box elder bugs do not have red blood. They nevertheless have liquids which circulate internally and which may be released under stress and with death.

What type of insect is orange and black and flies clustering against your house and how can you get rid of them?

the bugs are called box elder bugs you cannot totally get rid of them unless you get rid of the box elder tree or trees, but you can control them by spraying them with soap and water.