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They have more hormones down there, causing more hair to grow It is part of the process of puberty just like growing hairs in your armpits and on your face. Girls also grow pubic hair too. Pubic hair is a trait which is probably left over from our early ancestors. In the past when we all walked around naked the hairs would have been a visible sign to other people that a person had reached puberty and was likely to be sexually mature. The hairs probably also provided some protection from thorns and twigs etc. Pubic hair may also help to regulate the temperature in the region of the testes and penis (or vagina in girls). Childrens' sweat is watery but at puberty boys and girls begin to produce oily sweat in the pubic regions and in their armpits. This sweat contains substances called pheromones, which can atract the opposite sex. Unfortunately this oily sweat is also broken down by bacteria and can quickly develop an unpleasant smell (BO or Body Odour) so you should wash these areas often.

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14y ago

It is part of the process of puberty and it is the reality of the life in boys.

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Does boy get hair in places when they start puberty?

They can have hair near the penis, armpits, facial, and the chest.

Boy in puberty to get hair in their bum?

During puberty, hair will grow around the anus and on the buttocks themselves, along with growing on the testicles, base of the penis and around it.

If a 12 year old boy cuts his hair off his penis how long will it take to grow back on?

Depends if he has started purberty

How would you know if you have been through puberty?

If you are a boy, you can tell from a few things. Do you have pubic hair, facial hair, armpit hair, etc.? Have your testicles grown? Has your penis gotten longer and wider? Has your voice deepened?

What changes does puberty do to a boy?

The penis and testis grows in size, facial and pubic hair and hair under the arms, increase in height, shoulders get broader.

Is hair supposed to grow on mens penis?

No, hair does not grow on the penis itself, but it does grow around the base of the penis and on the scrotum. This hair growth begins at puberty. Some men chose to remove this hair by shaving as a matter of style or cleanliness.

What was the significance of long hair in ancient Greek literature?

The Length Of The Penis, The Longer The Hair, The Bigger The Penis.

I am a boy but i have a vagina whats up with that?

well if you have a vagina and no penis ... then your not a boy your a girl, but if you have a penis and a vagina then you a hermaphromdite,

How does my penis grow hair?

does the hair grow on the dick?

What age should you shave your penis hair?

you should trim your penis hair when in need, you will know this as it will be when the hair is long and parts of the penis are covered up by the hair, you should really wait until you have sufficient penis hair before you start snipping and trimming various bits. just make sure you are careful and dont leave a deposit of pubis hair behind.

How can you tell if your is a boy or a girl?

If you have a penis your probably is a boy.

What does a boy have that a girl does not?

a penis