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Honestly, id say that its because most girls are more emotional, but thats what i like about them (ima boy, dont think im gay) 💗

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6d ago

Boys may experience different types of friendship problems than girls due to societal expectations and norms that influence how they communicate and interact with others. Gender roles can impact how boys and girls build and maintain friendships, potentially leading to different types of conflicts or challenges within those relationships. It is important to recognize that friendship problems can occur for individuals of all genders and may vary based on personal experiences and environments.

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Why do girls float better than boys?

There is no biological reason that girls float better than boys. Factors that can affect buoyancy include body fat percentage, muscle mass, and lung capacity rather than gender. It may vary from person to person based on these factors, rather than a generalization based on gender.

Why are boys less intelligent than girls?

There is no evidence to support the claim that boys are less intelligent than girls. Intelligence is a complex trait influenced by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Individual differences in intelligence exist within both genders.

Can boys handle more pain as girls?

There is no significant evidence to suggest that boys can handle more pain than girls. Pain perception can vary between individuals, regardless of gender, due to factors such as genetics, cultural influences, and past experiences. It is important to recognize and address pain without making assumptions based on gender.

Why are kids shy around their opposite gender?

Kids may be shy around the opposite gender due to unfamiliarity, lack of social skills, or feeling self-conscious. They may also be influenced by societal norms or stereotypes about interacting with the opposite gender. As they grow and gain more experience with social interactions, this shyness often decreases.

What percentage of teens are bullied?

It is estimated that about 20% of teens experience bullying at some point during their adolescence. This can include various forms such as verbal, physical, or cyberbullying. It's important for schools and communities to address and prevent bullying to ensure the well-being of all teenagers.

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Do girls play less sports than boys?

yes there is a wider variety for boys (this was answered by a girl)

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What is the theme of the Friday everything changed by anne hart?

The Theme of the Story is that Girls aren't anything less than boys, and that girls can do anything Boys can.

What are the Social consequences if less girls were born than boys?

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