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No. The brains aren't bigger, but the big difference is how they are used. Boys use more parts of their brain at the same time than girls do.

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13y ago

No, males and females both have the same sized brains.

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Q: Why do boys have more brain cells?
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Who have more brain cells boys or girls?

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Neither, That alcohol (or drugs) kills brain cells is an urban myth.

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Why can't you find brain cells in your stomach and stomach cells in your brain?

Brain cells remain in the brain. They are the building blocks of the brain. If the brain cells were in the stomach, you'd have a brain in your stomach! Same goes for the stomach and all parts of the body. In my yoga class my instructor mentioned that there are more brain cells in the stomach than in the brain, I wanted to find out if it was true and I came across this article. So maybe you can have cells "in the wrong places"...... (look below under related links)

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Please be more specific. Blood cells, muscles, brain?

How is a thought formed in the brain?

A thought is formed when two or more brain cells (Neurons) connect

What was physically different about Albert Einstein's brain?

people generally assume that his brain would have more neurons than normal human brains. This is however not the case his brain in fact has signifigantly more glia cells than a normal human brain. Glia cells come in several types and are essentially the cleaning people of the brain. Glia cells are also responsible for scartissue in the brain as such