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i believe its more of an advertisement thing. the "pretty girls" are showcasing their looks which draws guys in so that they can find out more about the girls personality and brains, then they decide whether or not they like her.

the girls with brains often dont do this "advertising" so guys dont notice them as much so they dont ever get drawn in and they dont ever realize what that girls personality is like.

it is somewhat shallow but in a way its a natural mating ritual, a lot of animals do it, just look at peacocks. however in the animal kingdom it's often the male "advertising" instead of the female.

i also have noticed that comparitively more "brainy girls" are shy while "pretty girls" are ready to get out and flirt, guys would rather not have to work just to get you to talk to them

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Q: Why do boys prefer girls with 'looks' than girls with brains?
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boys! no question about that is there?I didn't think so.oh and to the question are girls better than boys?here is my answer. NO!!!!!It depends on the contest, brains or brawn, all are not created equal.