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Every cell of our body must need supply of oxygen to maintain its activities.

Brain cells are most senstive cells of body.If these cells does not supply with oxygen,ultimately these would die

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Q: Why do brain cells die when your lungs stop working?
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Your lungs don't stop working but if they do and I didn't know that you have as long as you can hold your breath for so it varies.

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Melanocytes have absolutely nothing to do with your lungs. Melanocytes determine skin pigmentation. If they stop working your skin essentially gets lighter or white in the areas where the cells die or stop working.

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There are a number of different reasons why a person's lungs might stop working. For instance, a person could become choked, and that would stop the lungs. Or, a person might have a disease like cystic fibrosis, where the lungs essentially give out.

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brain cells die all the time, it is almost impossible to tell if they die when you stop thinking.

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cillia :)

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They do not stop it but the mucus and motion of the cillia remove said microbes and dust should they get into the lungs.

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Plants are the lungs of the planet and we all know what happens when our lungs stop working.

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If your skin cells stop working your skin wont be protected, because your skin cells protect your skin, so if they stop working your skin will not be protected.

Why does a blood clot stop an organ working properly?

The organs of the human body are cellular tissues, and dependent on the continued flow of blood to bring oxygen and food. If a clot blocks a blood vessel, even a small one, cells can lose their blood supply and cease function or die. This is especially critical in the heart, lungs, and brain.